During the last month our Music therapy sessions with Forrest have turned to supplying JOY. Part of what we do as Music Therapists is musically disguise activities that a client might be weary or resistant of doing, such as physical movement, trained breathing, eye gaze exercises.
Forrest loves to start our session with a disco version of Zipeedeedodah and then watch everyone in the room wear crazy hats and dance around his chair. Music has brought Forrest a smile. THAT IS EXERCISE FOR THE FACE! Many people need to work those smile muscles more often. We have also found that distorted voices make Forrest happy as well. Not to mention when you wear a Panda Bear hat and talk in a “Cartoon” voice. Somehow, humor enters into Forrest’s being and out comes this SMILE!
During our breathing exercises, just yesterday Forrest responded by imitating my vocal sound. I noted that when he prepares to make a vocalization he takes a tremendous breath and his entire body becomes involved, obviously to perform this task is a great physical challenge. But, even though it must feel like pushing a 2 ton elephant up a hill – AHHHHHH – Sound. Quiet, soft, but it is there. There is a voice in there!
Forrest loves company and his daily routine is transformed completely when someone will come by and laugh with him or just wear a funny hat, or draws a sword and sword fights with him. We ask that any friends that are home for Spring Break please come by and just hang out. The feeling you will get after your visit is one you can take with you for the rest of your day, your life. Please contact me if you would like to join in our Music Therapy sessions while you are home from college. You can be a pirate, disco dancer or just come by and talk to your friend. Together, we will help Forrest find his voice again.Love you Forrest,