Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Same Sky Continues!

Dear Forrest and Same Sky Cast,

I was transfixed by the Same Sky performances yesterday at Trailside Middle School.  I had only planned to stay for two shows, but I couldn't leave.  Your performance gives me chills every time. Your individual and collective talents, courage and messages transformed the audience.  You took us to a completely different world.  A world where anything is possible. A world brimming with kindness, empathy and acceptance. By your example, you challenge every student, and every adult, in your presence to search deep inside ourselves to find those qualities, to honor them, and to bring them forth in our own lives each and every day. Yesterday, and every day, you each make the world a better, brighter, and more hopeful place.  I am profoundly grateful to come to know the cast and learn from each of you.  You inspire me to be a stronger, better person.  And I know you are having that effect on thousands of middle and high school students who have been blessed by your generosity and your amazing performances.

Thank you,

The Same Sky cast will perform this show for thousands of students over the next few weeks.  There is only one performance that is open and free to the general public.  It is next Friday, March 6th at 7:30pm at Loudoun County High School!  See the poster below!  I hope you will come and encourage friends and family to come!  I know you will be inspired like I was.
After the show, Tom asked the audience, "How many of you, or a family member or someone you know, shares one of the challenges you have just seen on stage?" More than half of the students raised their hands! 
Backstage before the third show of the day!

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