Saturday, November 7, 2015

"If you have to walk on thin ice...

You might as well dance".... or at least play chess, laugh, sing, and hang out with friends! 

Haven't seen a doctor all day and no word of the MRI results yet. Forrest is  still on bed restriction, but took great joy in visiting with friends today!

Yaeger makes his first hospital appearance with Gio and Shayna. He was very grown-up and well behaved. He had all the nurses ooohhing & aaawwwhing! 

Ben artived in time for a Chipotle picnic and song fest including s very entertaining group version of "44 reasons"!

Ben and Fiorrest haven't played chess since July but had a rousing match tonight! More competitions to look forward to in the future! 

Hoping for definitive news on the MRI tomorrow but in reality it may be Monday...

Thank you for your continued prayers, positive energy and encouraging messages!

Team 44


  1. Love all the faces and friends and smiles! We are thinking about you tons and will talk to you tomorrow. Who won the chess match?? ;)
    Love ya!
    Kim and Tom

  2. How nice to see all those young friends, and dogs! smiling faces, and Forrest's thumbs up. You have a lot to teach about attitude, Forrest--you the man!!!! Hang in there!!

    Lots of love,

    Jim and Gail

  3. Great to see you in good spirits. Even the pooch is smiling!!!
